Who is this for?

I am spending a week away from home. I’m using it as a time to reset. Over the last few months I have developed some bad habits. I have gained weight and feel sluggish and dull. So this week I am using a VLCD diet to prepare for next week which I am planning to … Read more

Use it or Lose it

With all the buzz lately about ChatGPT and the like I find myself wanting to go back to basics. I want to read physical books and learn from actual textbooks. I went to Abebooks and bought a bunch of cheap old text books. I want to refresh my old skills the old way even though … Read more


Lately I have been feeling a bit lost and unmotivated. I find I have very little interest in doing much at all. I get the necessary things of life done but it’s a chore. The days are dark in northern latitudes so that could have something to do with how I’m feeling but I know … Read more

Welcome to Joyfulnessence

I didn’t plan to start this blog. I was just playing with an idea and the name came up in a search and it jumped out at me. The name is a funny play with words, a combination of Joyfulness and Essence. I don’t know if it will go anywhere or get any traffic. I … Read more